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URL Scheme

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Sofa uses a custom URL scheme for deeplinking from widgets, shortcuts, and more.

Open Main Sections of the App

  • sofa:/// - This will open Sofa
  • sofa:///thepile - This will open The Pile
  • sofa:///theshelf - This will open The Shelf

The easiest way to get a deeplink for a specific list is to copy it from within the app. Tapping the ••• button in the top right of a list will reveal an option to Copy Deeplink. This will copy the link for that specific list to your clipboard.

A link to open a list will look something like this:


The easiest way to get a deeplink for a specific item is to copy it from within the app. Tapping the ••• button for an item will reveal an option to Copy Deeplink. This will copy the link for that specific item to your clipboard.

A link to open an item will look something like this:


Activity uses year and type parameters to build its custom URL. Tapping the ••• button for an item will reveal multiple options to copy deeplinks.

This will copy the default link for Activity which, when opened, will show all years and types.


This will copy a url based on the current filters you have set for Activity. The example below would show all movies logged in 2021.


Deeplinking to Activity Items

You can also copy a deeplink for a specific item in Activity by tapping the ••• for the item and then selecting Copy Deeplink.

Performing Searches

This will open the app to the appropriate search view

  • Apps: sofa:///search/app
  • Audiobooks: sofa:///search/audiobook
  • Books: sofa:///search/book
  • Movies & TV Shows: sofa:///search/movie
  • Music Albums: sofa:///search/musicAlbum
  • Podcasts: sofa:///search/podcast
  • Video Games: sofa:///search/videoGame

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