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Unshare a List

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When unsharing a list, you have two options:

  • Remove individual people from your list
  • Completely stop sharing your list and make it private

Remove individual people from your list

đź’ˇ When removing an individual person from your list, the shared list will be removed from their device and they will no longer have access to the list data.

If you simply want to remove individual people from a shared list, follow these steps:

Tap the share icon at the top right of your list.

Tap the participant you’d like to remove.

Tap Remove Access to remove that person from your shared list.

Completely stop sharing your list

💡 When you completely stop sharing a list, the list gets removed from all participants’ devices and your list becomes private only to you.

If you’d like to stop sharing a list and make it private, follow these steps:

Tap the share icon at the top right of your list.

Tap Stop Sharing to make your list private.

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