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Support for Shared Lists is Ending

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Shared Lists No Longer Supported

As of Sofa 4.0, the Shared Lists beta will be ending and you will no longer be able to create new shared lists.

Shared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you’re not sure what “beta” means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.

During this time, I’ve learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn’t. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.

There are a lot new things in Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists simply doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).

Please know, I made this decision with care, and I’m genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future.

What Happens to existing shared lists?

  • They essentially become read-only
  • You won’t be able to add new items to them
  • You won’t be able to move or copy items into them from other lists
  • You can move or copy items out of them
  • You can create a private duplicate of the list

How will the new Ingredients feature impact current shared lists?

  • When you create new Ingredients, they will only be added to private lists. Any shared lists you have will simply be ignored.

How will the new Custom Categories feature impact current shared lists?

  • Since I’ve removed the ability to add things to shared lists, Custom Categories won’t be impacted.

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