Strip of Sofa app icons

Be More Intentional
With Your Downtime

Create lists of things to watch, read, play, listen to, and more.

Strip of Sofa app icons

Your Playspace

“Never feels like a chore”

Most of the apps we use today are designed for work. Sofa is one of the few productivity apps intentionally designed for play.

Capture in Seconds
Adding things to Sofa is easy, just type in the title of a book, movie, or video game and add it to your list.
Keep Things Tidy
Using The Pile, Pinned Items, groups, and lists allows you to keep things organized with minimal effort.
Add Basically Anything
Movies, tv shows, books, video games, YouTube videos, websites, podcast, locations, and on and on...
Strip of Sofa app icons

A Better Tool

More Organized Than Your Notes App

Keeping lists in a notes app can become an incoherent mess. Sofa’s organization brings sanity and flexibility to how you spend your downtime.

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Unlimited Lists & Groups
Add unlimited lists and groups for categorizing all your stuff.
Throw it on The Pile
A quick place to save stuff you’re not ready to organize.
Custom Categories
Create categories for anything, like, articles, events, hikes, places to eat, websites, YouTube videos, and more.
Keep a Log of your Activity
A historical view of the things you’ve watched, read and played. Upgrade to Super Sofa for the ability to filter and see stats.
Prioritize with Pinned Items
Prioritize items in your lists and see them aggregated together.
Just Enough Detail
Get the synopsis of a book, release date for a game, or see which streaming service has a movie or show.

So Much Room for Activities

Be Immersed in your Downtime

Sofa fits right in with Apple Vision Pro, while keeping its unique charm.

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Nerd Alert!

Deep Customization

Sofa provides a simple, but powerful level of customization, ranging from the look & feel, to how the app works.

Create your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.
Smart Lists
Create lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.
100+ Themes
Choose from over 100 themes to customize the look and feel for light and dark mode.
70+ App Icons
Add additional fun to your Home Screen by choosing from over 70 alternate app icons.
Fiddly Things
Fine-tune and customize things like the shape of items in your lists, hiding categories you don’t use, and a new “quirky mode”.
Use Shortcuts to get data in and out, and to power some nerdy and fun workflows.
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Take Things to the Next Level with Super Sofa

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Enhanced Lists
Add a cover image, large title and description, along with more layout options.
Stats & Filters
More refined controls for filtering and understanding the things you’ve added to the Logbook.
Enhanced Details
Links to streaming providers, music services, podcast players, and more.

No Shady Stuff

An App You Can Trust

Your data is completely private and secure. We intentionally can’t see the contents of your Groups, Lists, and Logbook.

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Shawn Hickman

Designer & Developer of Sofa

Learn more about Shawn

It's Nice to be Nice

What People Are Saying
About Sofa

Thanks for the kind words!

“Give your brain a break from remembering—or, in our case, forgetting—what you're going to try next with Sofa. With support for books, movies, podcasts, video games, music albums, and TV shows (phew!), the app leverages public metadata to help you create information-rich lists and track your progress. You can even save apps that catch your eye, a very convenient inclusion for certain app-focused professions.”

App Store Editorial Team


People Love Sofa

Here's a small sample of the 2,000+ ratings and reviews from the App Store

App Store Reviewer

“Just perfect for storing lists of what to read, watch or listen to in just about any format you can think of. Elegant in its simplicity, it replaces OneNote or Notes for this type of task: and is way better at it! Absolutely recommended.”

App Store Reviewer

“Truly the app I never knew I needed. Sometimes I put media in my backlog onto my daily to-do list just because it doesn’t really fit into any better place, so this is the perfect app to curate every piece of the pie I’ve dipped a finger in lol. It really is a great concept for those days when you know you have a nice chunk of free time, but aren’t sure what to do with it. Plus, having lists across multiple media genres in this one app consolidates many of the backlogs that I’m keeping in different places.”

App Store Reviewer

“If this app ever felt like a chore, it wouldn’t work. I wouldn’t use it. But it never feels like a chore, because it’s so fast, and does almost everything for you.”

App Store Reviewer

“This is a fantastic app and experience. Super simple and a joy to use. I highly recommend it.”

App Store Reviewer

“This app is incredible. It’s beautiful, functional, and easy. This level of organization is what I’ve been needing for awhile! Now I can make sure to actually follow up on recommendations from friends 😊 and I won’t have to spend an hour finding something to watch. Please Shawn, make more organizational apps! You rock!”

App Store Reviewer

“First of all, thank you Shawn Hickman. Your developing and design skills are absolutely amazing. Now the reasons to why this is the only media list organizer app for you: 1: Huge library of movies, games, board games, tv-series and more; with intuitive and easy lists makes your organizing cravings fulfilled. 2: wonderful design, with beautiful thumbnails and gorgeous widget 3: you can frikin export you data to Excel
 I mean COME ON. If you love data, you know what I mean.”

App Store Reviewer

“I rarely ever write reviews (cuz I think it’s too much work 🙈) but I just can’t help myself but to write one for this app since it literally is my dream-list-app come true!!! Not exaggerating!”

App Store Reviewer

“I love being able to have ONE place all my stuff is tucked into. Go to a bookstore and find an awesome book? Throw it into Sofa! Pass by an ad for a new TV show at a stoplight? Throw it into Sofa!”

Sofa Customer

“Terrific app! Addresses a basic need via an awesomely simple UI! This’ll replace some poorly organized lists of mine in Evernote and the various places I keep lists of books, shows and movies (e.g. Amazon and the “watch next” lists in Netflix, IMDB, and Prime Video)! Kudos on a job well done.”

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Start Organizing
Your Downtime

All you have to do is press that button.